Originally conceived as an add-on for CarrierPigeon, this evolved into a separate app. Take photos or videos at a moment’s notice, rather than having to waste time flicking between modes.
Originally conceived as an add-on for CarrierPigeon, this evolved into a separate app. Take photos or videos at a moment’s notice, rather than having to waste time flicking between modes.
Every application needs a method of distribution. It needs a way of communicating with it’s audience.
After a lot of hard work, Lantern has finally launched it’s Beta Program. So a site was needed for users to register, download the application, and report back any issues or potential issues. It will be interesting to see how that community of testers develops over the coming months!
This time around, it was a simple site for people who had missed a training event. They needed to go in, read text, view documents, watch videos, and notify the organisation that they had made it to the end.
A good change of pace, moving away from complicated user interaction logic and just sticking to the basic responsive problems. How to make a responsive video look good, how to keep things readable. Nice, simple. Done.
The Inter-Church Commission on Religious Education in Schools. Iccoreis. This association exists to help organise efforts surrounding Religious Education in NSW government schools.
Radartech was asked to help them transition away from their old site and to a new WordPress site. In addition to helping with server configuration, we were also asked to customise the design with a child theme, and to set up a custom plugin for displaying announcements and upcoming events.
Mobile sites can perform many different tasks, but sometimes it’s important to harness all of the power of the user’s device.
When you are running a conference, one of the best ways of encouraging a community atmosphere is to show photos or video of the attendees, and having someone walking around with a camera can really add to the awareness of what is going on. But the best feeling of community never comes from the leadership team or the volunteers. It comes from the community itself.
Enter the CarrierPigeon app, allowing for crowds of people to send you visual media in a way that couldn’t get much simpler.